2025 Attending Teams (Preliminary)

Pennsbury Tournament Power Pool 18U Teams Newtown

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTCharmers GoldCharmers Gold Player ProfilesRuss Senerchia[email protected]
CTCT ImpactCT Impact Player ProfilesCraig Sears[email protected]
DEDelaware Express 18U GlandenDelaware Express 18U Glanden Player ProfilesRay Glanden[email protected]
ILTreviansTrevians Player ProfilesAl Dolinko[email protected]
MARaiders Softball Premier McGloinRaiders Softball Premier McGloin Player ProfilesLisa McGloin[email protected]
MADrifters Gold 1Drifters Gold 1 Player ProfilesCarol Savino[email protected]
MAPolar Crush GoldPolar Crush Gold Player ProfilesPhil McElroy[email protected]
MDHeartbreakers Gold NationalHeartbreakers Gold National Player ProfilesWayne Persinger[email protected]
NJEast Coast Tsunami GoldEast Coast Tsunami Gold Player ProfilesRay Romano[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity BODJersey Intensity BOD Player ProfilesBrittany O’Donnell[email protected]
NJMystics Dorman-Louisville SluggerMystics Dorman-Louisville Slugger Player ProfilesAdam Dorman[email protected]
NJGators 18U PremierGators 18U Premier Player ProfilesGeorge Coroneos[email protected]
NJBatbusters FryBatbusters Fry Player ProfilesKen Fry[email protected]
NJPride SternPride Stern Player ProfilesRob Stern[email protected]
NJPride National SternPride National Stern Player ProfilesRob Stern[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold WallyJersey Outlaws Gold Wally Player ProfilesWally Antosiewicz[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold SkellyJersey Outlaws Gold Skelly Player ProfilesJamie Skelly[email protected]
NYCapital District Fusion- TediscoCapital District Fusion- Tedisco Player ProfilesRick Tedisco[email protected]
NYEmpire State Huskies NationalEmpire State Huskies National Player ProfilesJoe Porcelli[email protected]
NYTeam Long Island- AngelTeam Long Island- Angel Player ProfilesAngel Mangual[email protected]
PALanghorne Lightning Gold WaskieLanghorne Lightning Gold Waskie Player ProfilesAndy Waskie[email protected]
PATNT Gold GodardTNT Gold Godard Player ProfilesRoy Godard[email protected]
PANewtown Rock Gold GarveyNewtown Rock Gold Garvey Player ProfilesJoe Garvey[email protected]
PAOutlaws National Fischl/KoehlerOutlaws National Fischl/Koehler Player ProfilesJeff Fischl[email protected]
PAChaos GoldChaos Gold Player ProfilesBob Landow[email protected]
PAPhiladelphia Spirit GoldPhiladelphia Spirit Gold Player ProfilesJosh August[email protected]
PARock Waye-KeenyRockGold Waye Keeny Player ProfilesBiz Keeny[email protected]
PANewtown Rock NationalNewtown Rock National Player ProfilesDave Bodick[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots GoldValley Forge Patriots Gold Player ProfilesMike Lorine[email protected]
RIFire N Ice BlueFire N Ice Blue Player ProfilesRich Fonseca[email protected]
RIBombers Elite PremierBombers Elite Premier Player ProfilesCarlos Rodas[email protected]
RIRhode Island Thunder Gold- WilsonRhode Island Thunder Gold- Wilson Player ProfilesAmes Kaiser[email protected]
RIRhode Island Thunder Gold NationalRhode Island Thunder Gold National Player ProfilesChris Leclair[email protected]
WVTri State ThunderTri State Thunder Player ProfilesMissy Cutchull[email protected]

Pennsbury Tournament Power Pool 18U Teams Pennsbury

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTRG Lady Nightmares 18URG Lady Nightmares Player ProfilesSal Raucci[email protected]
CTImpact RegionalImpact Regional Player ProfilesCraig Sears[email protected]
FLRock Gold Conrad PremierRock Gold Conrad Premier Player ProfilesGlen Conrad[email protected]
HITeam HawaiiPlayer Profiles
MAPolar Crush-BoydenPolar Crush-Boyden Player ProfilesJen Boyden[email protected]
MDRise Up 18U ShowcaseRise Up 18U Showcase Player ProfilesJade Bowins[email protected]
MDTNT Maryland Goldd.com/pages/home">TNT Maryland Gold Player ProfilesMeredith McAlister [email protected]
NCTeam NC Kobziak/TuryburyTeam NC Kobziak/Turybury Player ProfilesHaylee Kobziak[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity-KOD/HaefeliJersey Intensity-KOD/Haefeli Player Profiles
NJEC Bullets- PieningEC Bullets- Piening Player ProfilesDan Piening[email protected]
NJJersey Flames GoldJersey Flames Gold Player ProfilesJohn Schaffer[email protected]
NJLady Dukes GaskillLady Dukes Gaskill Player ProfilesLauren Gaskill[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Showcase GutshallJersey Outlaws Showcase Gutshall Player ProfilesMike Gutshall[email protected]
NJGators GoldGators Gold Player ProfilesMike Reed[email protected]
NJTop Gun GoldTop Gun Gold Player ProfilesDan Davenport[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye- MahonyRock Gold Waye- Mahony Player ProfilesAndy Mahony[email protected]
PAMystics 18U National GarrettMystics 18U National Garrett Player ProfilesBryan Garrett[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots YoheyValley Forge Patriots Yohey Player ProfilesDan Yohey[email protected]
PAChaos LandowPlayer ProfilesBob Landow[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems PremierPennsbury Gems Premier Player ProfilesLauren Gerth[email protected]
PALanghorne Lightning PremierLanghorne Lightning Premier Player ProfilesSteve Higden[email protected]
PAVanquish NationalVanquish National Player ProfilesSam Lichtner[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems NationalPennsbury Gems National Player ProfilesKeith Ford[email protected]
PAStripes and Strikes GoldStripes and Strikes Gold Player ProfilesVince Trivelpiece[email protected]
RIThunder Premier- AlvesThunder Premier- Alves Player ProfilesDavid Alves[email protected]
RIFury Platinum of New EnglandFury Platinum of New England Player ProfilesJoe Roumelis[email protected]
VAArlington Impact GoldArlington Impact Gold Player ProfilesMel Frank[email protected]
VAGlory National BukerGlory National Buker Player ProfilesKarlyn Buker[email protected]
VATristate Thunder NovaTristate Thunder Nova Player ProfilesAnna Green[email protected]

Pennsbury at Ewing 18U

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTLightning Gold WrightLightning Gold Wright Player ProfilesStephen Wright[email protected]
CTPolar Crush- Alexander/FabboPolar Crush- Alexander/Fabbo Player ProfilesBill Alexander[email protected]
CTWildcats 18U ShowcaseWildcats 18U Showcase Player ProfilesRick Floyd[email protected]
DEDelaware Magic Showcase
Delaware Magic Showcase Player Profiles Tony Peterson[email protected]
MARaiders SoftballRaiders Softball Player ProfilesTara Petrocelli[email protected]
MDChurchville Lightning
Churchville Lightning Player ProfilesTim Favazza[email protected]
MDHeartbreakers 18U Elite
Heartbreakers 18U Elite Player ProfilesShawn Harbaugh[email protected]
NHProspects Kraytenberg
Prospects Kraytenberg Player ProfilesEmily Kraytenberg[email protected]
NJBatbusters Haas
Batbusters Haas Player ProfilesJennifer Torres[email protected]
NJGators National
Gators National Player ProfilesSydney Ponto[email protected]
NJInferno Gold- Notarianni
Inferno Gold- Notarianni Player ProfilesSam Notarianni[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity- KOD
Jersey Intensity- KOD Player Profiles
NJJersey Outlaws 18U Elite
Jersey Outlaws 18U Elite Player ProfilesChristian Skultety[email protected]
NJMystics Premier
Mystics Premier Player ProfilesRich Onorato[email protected]
NJPride Dean
Pride Dean Player ProfilesDean Dabroski[email protected]
NJPride Gold
Pride Gold Player ProfilesRob Daiteh[email protected]
NJMystics Gold Machinski
Mystics Gold Machinski Player ProfilesSisi Machinski[email protected]
NJSo Cal Athletics Marinakis/Han
So Cal Athletics Marinakis/Han Player ProfilesPaul Han[email protected]
NJUnity 18U Iorio
Unity 18U Iorio Player ProfilesRich Iorio[email protected]
NJVenom Gold 18U Seader
Venom Gold 18U Seader Player ProfilesJim Seader[email protected]
PAInvasion Fastpitch National
Invasion Fastpitch National Player ProfilesSteve Pettine[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems Premier
Pennsbury Gems Premier Player ProfilesEmma Konrad[email protected]
PAPittsburgh Lady Roadrunners White
Pittsburgh Lady Roadrunners White Player ProfilesJason Benish[email protected]
PAPredators Fastpitch National
Predators Fastpitch National Player ProfilesJustin Valenzuela[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye- Ambrosius
RG Ambrosius Player ProfilesMike Ambrosius[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye Rios
Rock Gold Rios Player ProfilesEric Rios[email protected]
TNT 18U Gold LV Player ProfilesBrian Ritter[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots Showcase
Valley Forge Patriots Showcase Player ProfilesJ.R.Johnson[email protected]
RIThunder Gold 18U CTS
Thunder Gold 18U CTS Player ProfilesFrank Lieto[email protected]
VAMount Vernon Magic
Mount Vernon Magic Player ProfilesKaren Walker[email protected]

Pennsbury at Veterans Park 16U

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTEliminators 16U Gold Eliminators 16U Gold Megan Godwin[email protected]
CTLightning 09 GoldLightning 09 GoldPeter Ivey[email protected]
CTLightning Gold HoagLightning Gold HoagKas Hoag[email protected]
CTMiddletown Monarchs 16UMiddletown Monarchs 16UJen Lane[email protected]
MARaiders Softball 16U NationalRaiders Softball 16U NationalDani Devaney[email protected]
MDFreedom Firebirds 16UFreedom Firebirds 16UStan Mesceda[email protected]
NHProspects 16U O’BrienProspects 16U O’BrienDan O’Brien[email protected]
NJBatbusters Gorab 16UBatbusters Gorab 16UBrian Gorab[email protected]
NJFinch’s Aces RussoFinch’s Aces RussoDavid Russo[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KPJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KPKaitlyn Piazzolla[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KelliherJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KelliherBill Kelliher[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold 16UJersey Outlaws Gold 16UToby Maniscalco[email protected]
NYCapital District Fusion NationalCapital District Fusion NationalThomas Kachadurian[email protected]
PAChaos MarianiChaos MarianiDom Mariani[email protected]
PAChaos ThompsonChaos ThompsonBobby Thompson[email protected]
PAChaos WardChaos WardTawain Ward[email protected]
PAInvasion Gold 16UInvasion Gold 16UTara Fitch[email protected]
PALanghorne LightningLanghorne Lightning Jeremy Ardoline[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems NationalPennsbury Gems NationalJason Fidishun[email protected]
PAThunderbirdsThunderbirdsCharlie Ball[email protected]
PATNT National- BattavioTNT National- BattavioBri Battavio[email protected]
PAValley Forge PatriotsValley Forge PatriotsPaul Daly[email protected]
VAArlington Impact EliteArlington Impact EliteDoug Kaufman[email protected]
VAShooting Stars 16U Gold- EliasShooting Stars 16U Gold- EliasMike Elias[email protected]

Pennsbury at Veterans Park 18U

Pennsbury at Mansfield

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Attending Team Coaches

Please check your website page links for your team. The team link should be your home page and player profiles should be you players/roster. If you find they are incorrect email the Pennsbury Webmaster at  [email protected] with the correct links In the event your team does not have a website please email a PDF of your players/roster.