CT | Impact 16U Showcase | Impact 16U Showcase Player Profiles | Craig Sears | ctimpactsbcts@gmail.com | | |
CT | Lightning Gold - Wright | Lightning Gold - Wright Player Profiles | Stephen Wright | ctlightninggoldwright@gmail.com | | |
CT | Lightning Showcase - Greco | Lightning Showcase - Greco Player Profiles | Vinny Greco | vinnnyyy@yahoo.com | | |
CT | Run and Gun Lady Nightmares | Run and Gun Lady Nightmares Player Profiles | Sal Raucci | absolute141@yahoo.com | | |
MA | Raiders Softball 16U National | Raiders Softball 16U National Player Profiles | Dani Devaney | raiderstournaments@gmail.com | | |
MA | Rox Softball 16U - Duffy | Rox Softball 16U - Duffy Player Profiles | Jamie Duffy | jamieduffy1931@gmail.com | | |
MD | Heartbreakers 16U | Heartbreakers 16U Player Profiles | Chewy Anthony | chewnat92404@gmail.com | | |
MD | Integrity | Integrity Player Profiles | Wilson Ford | smm5755@aol.com | | |
MD | Rise Up | Rise Up Player Profiles | Brian Mott | mottymott11@gmail.com | | |
MD | Tri State Thunder Gold - Frazee | Tri State Thunder Gold - Frazee Player Profiles | Albert Frazee | tristatethundergold16u@gmail.com | | |
NH | Prospects - Kraytenberg 16U | Prospects - Kraytenberg 16U Player Profiles | Steve Kraytenberg | skraytenberg@gmail.com | | |
NJ | Batbusters - Haas | Batbusters - Haas Player Profiles | Jen Torres | batbusters.haas@gmail.com | | |
NJ | EC Bullets - Yoffee 16U Orange | EC Bullets - Yoffee 16U Orange Player Profiles | Allie Yoffee | cesportstraining@gmail.com | | |
NJ | Finch’s Aces - Russo | Finch’s Aces - Russo Player Profiles | David Russo | drusso@crispadvisors.com | | |
NJ | Gators 16 National | Gators 16 National Player Profiles | Sydney Ponto | njgponto@gmail.com | | |
NJ | Jersey Intensity 16U - KOD/KP | Jersey Intensity 16U - KOD/KP Player Profiles | Kaitlyn Piazzolla | kpiazzolla1990@gmail.com | | |
NJ | Jersey Intensity SE National 18U | Jersey Intensity SE National | John McBride | intensityse@gmail.com | | |
NJ | Jersey Outlaws Elite - Walsh | Jersey Outlaws Elite - Walsh Player Profiles | Alexis Davis | jerseyoutlaws@verizon.net | | |
NJ | NJ Stars National - Murray | NJ Stars National - Murray Player Profiles | Mary Murray | starsnationalmurray@gmail.com | | |
NJ | So Cal Athletics - Marinakis/Han | So Cal Athletics - Marinakis/Han Player Profiles | Paul Han | scanjmarinakishan@gmail.com | | |
NJ | So Cal Athletics Marinakis/Morales | So Cal Athletics Player Profiles | Jose Morales | SoCalathleticsnj2024@gmail.com | | |
NM | Sundancers 16U | Sundancers 16U Player Profiles | Paul Kohman | paulkohman@aol.com | | |
PA | Chaos 16U National | Chaos 16U National Player Profiles | Todd Cimino | todd@aapparelusa.com | | |
PA | Invasion Fastpitch Showcase | Invasion Fastpitch Showcase Player Profiles | Steve Pettine | stevenpettine@gmail.com | | |
PA | Langhorne Lightning - Higdon | Langhorne Lightning - Higdon Player Profiles | Steve Higden | shigdon2516@gmail.com | | |
PA | Lehigh Valley Patriot Flames | Lehigh Valley Patriot Flames Player Profiles | Brian Ritter | brianmritter3@gmail.com | | |
PA | Newtown Rock 16U National | Newtown Rock 16U National Player Profiles | Dave Bodick | davebodick@gmail.com | | |
PA | Pennsbury Gems 16U Select | Pennsbury Gems 16U Select Player Profiles | Matt Naphy | pennsburygems07@gmail.com | | |
PA | Predators Fastpitch | Predators Fastpitch Player Profiles | Justin Valenzuela | predatorsfastpitch@gmail.com | | |
PA | Rock Gold Waye - Leshak | Rock Gold Waye - Leshak Player Profiles | Roman Leshak | leshak1028@yahoo.com | | |
PA | Rock Gold Nationals | Rock Gold Nationals Player Profiles | Biz Keeny | bizbhs@aol.com | | |
PA | Thunderbirds | Thunderbirds Player Profiles | Charlie Ball | crball1@verizon.net | | |
PA | Valley Forge Patriots 16U | Valley Forge Patriots 16U Player Profiles | J.R.Johnson | vfpatriots23@gmail.com | | |
VA | Arlington Impact Elite | Arlington Impact Elite Player Profiles | Pat Keefe | coachpat@arlingtonimpact.org | | |
VA | Glory - Ladia | Glory - Ladia Player Profiles | Rachael Ladia | coachrachael00@gmail.com | | |