2025 Attending Teams

Pennsbury Tournament Power Pool 18U Teams Newtown

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTCharmers GoldCharmers Gold Player ProfilesRuss Senerchia[email protected]
CTCT ImpactCT Impact Player ProfilesCraig Sears[email protected]
DEDelaware Express 18U GlandenDelaware Express 18U Glanden Player ProfilesRay Glanden[email protected]
ILTreviansTrevians Player ProfilesAl Dolinko[email protected]
MARaiders Softball Premier McGloinRaiders Softball Premier McGloin Player ProfilesLisa McGloin[email protected]
MADrifters Gold 1Drifters Gold 1 Player ProfilesCarol Savino[email protected]
MAPolar Crush GoldPolar Crush Gold Player ProfilesPhil McElroy[email protected]
MDHeartbreakers Gold NationalHeartbreakers Gold National Player ProfilesWayne Persinger[email protected]
MDTNT Maryland GoldTNT Maryland Gold Player ProfilesMeredith McAlister[email protected]
NJEast Coast Tsunami GoldEast Coast Tsunami Gold Player ProfilesRay Romano[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity BODJersey Intensity BOD Player ProfilesBrittany O’Donnell[email protected]
NJMystics Dorman-Louisville SluggerMystics Dorman-Louisville Slugger Player ProfilesAdam Dorman[email protected]
NJGators 18U PremierGators 18U Premier Player ProfilesGeorge Coroneos[email protected]
NJBatbusters FryBatbusters Fry Player ProfilesKen Fry[email protected]
NJPride SternPride Stern Player ProfilesRob Stern[email protected]
NJPride National SternPride National Stern Player ProfilesRob Stern[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold WallyJersey Outlaws Gold Wally Player ProfilesWally Antosiewicz[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold SkellyJersey Outlaws Gold Skelly Player ProfilesJamie Skelly[email protected]
NYCapital District Fusion- TediscoCapital District Fusion- Tedisco Player ProfilesRick Tedisco[email protected]
NYEmpire State Huskies NationalEmpire State Huskies National Player ProfilesJoe Porcelli[email protected]
NYTeam Long Island- AngelTeam Long Island- Angel Player ProfilesAngel Mangual[email protected]
PALanghorne Lightning Gold WaskieLanghorne Lightning Gold Waskie Player ProfilesAndy Waskie[email protected]
PATNT Gold GodardTNT Gold Godard Player ProfilesRoy Godard[email protected]
PANewtown Rock Gold GarveyNewtown Rock Gold Garvey Player ProfilesJoe Garvey[email protected]
PAOutlaws National Fischl/KoehlerOutlaws National Fischl/Koehler Player ProfilesJeff Fischl[email protected]
PAChaos GoldChaos Gold Player ProfilesBob Landow[email protected]
PAPhiladelphia Spirit GoldPhiladelphia Spirit Gold Player ProfilesJosh August[email protected]
PARock Waye-KeenyRockGold Waye Keeny Player ProfilesBiz Keeny[email protected]
PANewtown Rock NationalNewtown Rock National Player ProfilesDave Bodick[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots GoldValley Forge Patriots Gold Player ProfilesMike Lorine[email protected]
RIFire N Ice BlueFire N Ice Blue Player ProfilesRich Fonseca[email protected]
RIBombers Elite PremierBombers Elite Premier Player ProfilesCarlos Rodas[email protected]
RIRhode Island Thunder Gold- WilsonRhode Island Thunder Gold- Wilson Player ProfilesAmes Kaiser[email protected]
RIRhode Island Thunder Gold NationalRhode Island Thunder Gold National Player ProfilesChris Leclair[email protected]
WVTri State ThunderTri State Thunder Player ProfilesMissy Cutchull[email protected]

Pennsbury Tournament Power Pool 18U Teams Pennsbury

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTRG Lady Nightmares 18URG Lady Nightmares Player ProfilesSal Raucci[email protected]
CTImpact RegionalImpact Regional Player ProfilesCraig Sears[email protected]
FLRock Gold Conrad PremierRock Gold Conrad Premier Player ProfilesGlen Conrad[email protected]
MAPolar Crush-BoydenPolar Crush-Boyden Player ProfilesJen Boyden[email protected]
MDRise Up 18U ShowcaseRise Up 18U Showcase Player ProfilesJade Bowins[email protected]
NCTeam NC Kobziak/TuryburyTeam NC Kobziak/Turybury Player ProfilesHaylee Kobziak[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity-KOD/HaefeliJersey Intensity-KOD/Haefeli Player ProfilesSara Haefeli[email protected]
NJEC Bullets- PieningEC Bullets- Piening Player ProfilesDan Piening[email protected]
NJJersey Flames GoldJersey Flames Gold Player ProfilesJohn Schaffer[email protected]
NJLady Dukes GaskillLady Dukes Gaskill Player ProfilesLauren Gaskill[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Showcase GutshallJersey Outlaws Showcase Gutshall Player ProfilesMike Gutshall[email protected]
NJGators GoldGators Gold Player ProfilesMike Reed[email protected]
NJTop Gun GoldTop Gun Gold Player ProfilesDan Davenport[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye- MahonyRock Gold Waye- Mahony Player ProfilesAndy Mahony[email protected]
PAMystics 18U National GarrettMystics 18U National Garrett Player ProfilesBryan Garrett[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots YoheyValley Forge Patriots Yohey Player ProfilesDan Yohey[email protected]
PAChaos LandowPlayer ProfilesJoe Spina[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems PremierPennsbury Gems Premier Player ProfilesLauren Gerth[email protected]
PALanghorne Lightning PremierLanghorne Lightning Premier Player ProfilesSteve Higden[email protected]
PAVanquish NationalVanquish National Player ProfilesSam Lichtner[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems NationalPennsbury Gems National Player ProfilesKeith Ford[email protected]
PAStripes and Strikes GoldStripes and Strikes Gold Player ProfilesVince Trivelpiece[email protected]
RIThunder Premier- AlvesThunder Premier- Alves Player ProfilesDavid Alves[email protected]
RIFury Platinum of New EnglandFury Platinum of New England Player ProfilesJoe Roumelis[email protected]
RIThunder Gold 18U CTS
Thunder Gold 18U CTS Player ProfilesFrank Lieto[email protected]
VAArlington Impact GoldArlington Impact Gold Player ProfilesMel Frank[email protected]
VAGlory National BukerGlory National Buker Player ProfilesKarlyn Buker[email protected]
VATristate Thunder NovaTristate Thunder Nova Player ProfilesAnna Green[email protected]

Pennsbury at Ewing 18U

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTLightning Gold WrightLightning Gold Wright Player ProfilesStephen Wright[email protected]
CTPolar Crush- Alexander/FabboPolar Crush- Alexander/Fabbo Player ProfilesBill Alexander[email protected]
CTWildcats 18U ShowcaseWildcats 18U Showcase Player ProfilesRick Floyd[email protected]
DEDelaware Magic Showcase
Delaware Magic Showcase Player Profiles Tony Peterson[email protected]
MARaiders SoftballRaiders Softball Player ProfilesTara Petrocelli[email protected]
MDChurchville Lightning
Churchville Lightning Player ProfilesTim Favazza[email protected]
MDHeartbreakers 18U Elite
Heartbreakers 18U Elite Player ProfilesShawn Harbaugh[email protected]
NHProspects Kraytenberg
Prospects Kraytenberg Player ProfilesEmily Kraytenberg[email protected]
NJBatbusters Haas
Batbusters Haas Player ProfilesJennifer Torres[email protected]
NJGators National
Gators National Player ProfilesSydney Ponto[email protected]
NJInferno Gold- Notarianni
Inferno Gold- Notarianni Player ProfilesSam Notarianni[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity- KOD
Jersey Intensity- KOD Player ProfilesKaitlyn Piazzollo[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws 18U Elite
Jersey Outlaws 18U Elite Player ProfilesChristian Skultety[email protected]
NJMystics Premier
Mystics Premier Player ProfilesRich Onorato[email protected]
NJPride Dean
Pride Dean Player ProfilesDean Dabroski[email protected]
NJPride Gold
Pride Gold Player ProfilesRob Daiteh[email protected]
NJMystics Gold Machinski
Mystics Gold Machinski Player ProfilesSisi Machinski[email protected]
NJSo Cal Athletics Marinakis/Han
So Cal Athletics Marinakis/Han Player ProfilesPaul Han[email protected]
NJUnity 18U Iorio
Unity 18U Iorio Player ProfilesRich Iorio[email protected]
NJVenom Gold 18U Seader
Venom Gold 18U Seader Player ProfilesJim Seader[email protected]
NJNJ Stars
NJ Stars Player ProfilesTina Scolaro[email protected]
PAInvasion Fastpitch National
Invasion Fastpitch National Player ProfilesSteve Pettine[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems Premier
Pennsbury Gems Premier Player ProfilesEmma Konrad[email protected]
PAPittsburgh Lady Roadrunners White
Pittsburgh Lady Roadrunners White Player ProfilesJason Benish[email protected]
PAPredators Fastpitch National
Predators Fastpitch National Player ProfilesJustin Valenzuela[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye- Ambrosius
RG Ambrosius Player ProfilesMike Ambrosius[email protected]
PARock Gold Waye Rios
Rock Gold Rios Player ProfilesEric Rios[email protected]
TNT 18U Gold LV Player ProfilesBrian Ritter[email protected]
PAValley Forge Patriots Showcase
Valley Forge Patriots Showcase Player ProfilesJ.R.Johnson[email protected]
VAMount Vernon Magic
Mount Vernon Magic Player ProfilesKaren Walker[email protected]

Pennsbury at Veterans Park 16U

StateTeamPlayer ProfilesCoachCoach Email
CTEliminators 16U Gold Eliminators 16U Gold Megan Godwin[email protected]
CTLightning 09 GoldLightning 09 GoldPeter Ivey[email protected]
CTLightning Gold HoagLightning Gold HoagKas Hoag[email protected]
CTMiddletown Monarchs 16UMiddletown Monarchs 16UJen Lane[email protected]
MARaiders Softball 16U NationalRaiders Softball 16U NationalDani Devaney[email protected]
MDFreedom Firebirds 16UFreedom Firebirds 16UStan Mesceda[email protected]
NHProspects 16U O’BrienProspects 16U O’BrienDan O’Brien[email protected]
NJBatbusters Gorab 16UBatbusters Gorab 16UBrian Gorab[email protected]
NJFinch’s Aces RussoFinch’s Aces RussoDavid Russo[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KPJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KPKaitlyn Piazzolla[email protected]
NJJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KelliherJersey Intensity 16U KOD/KelliherBill Kelliher[email protected]
NJJersey Outlaws Gold 16UJersey Outlaws Gold 16UToby Maniscalco[email protected]
NYCapital District Fusion NationalCapital District Fusion NationalThomas Kachadurian[email protected]
PAChaos MarianiChaos MarianiDom Mariani[email protected]
PAChaos ThompsonChaos ThompsonBobby Thompson[email protected]
PAChaos WardChaos WardTawain Ward[email protected]
PAInvasion Gold 16UInvasion Gold 16UTara Fitch[email protected]
PALanghorne LightningLanghorne Lightning Jeremy Ardoline[email protected]
PAPennsbury Gems NationalPennsbury Gems NationalJason Fidishun[email protected]
PAThunderbirdsThunderbirdsCharlie Ball[email protected]
PATNT National- BattavioTNT National- BattavioBri Battavio[email protected]
PAValley Forge PatriotsValley Forge PatriotsPaul Daly[email protected]
VAArlington Impact EliteArlington Impact EliteDoug Kaufman[email protected]
VAShooting Stars 16U Gold- EliasShooting Stars 16U Gold- EliasMike Elias[email protected]

Pennsbury at Veterans Park 18U

Pennsbury at Mansfield

Attending Team Coaches

Please check your website page links for your team. The team link should be your home page and player profiles should be you players/roster. If you find they are incorrect email the Pennsbury Webmaster at  [email protected] with the correct links In the event your team does not have a website please email a PDF of your players/roster.